MitiConnect EN


MitiConnect is a QGIS 3 plugin to assess ecological connectivity in mitigation herarchy. MitiConnect uses resistance surfaces and landscape graphs to assess ecological connectivity at a given state. It provides an all-in-one tool with a dedicated GUI allowing user to define target species, resistance values, mitigation scenarios, ect., and then calls QGIS or Graphab functionalities to compute each step.

The tool was developed by INRAE as part of the Green and blue infrastructure Resource center.

MitiConnect has been designed as a 6-steps plugin from raw data preprocessing to landscape graphs comparison. Parameters settings can be saved to and loaded from a configuration file.

MitiConnect Steps

  1. Définition des paramètres généraux
  2. Import et uniformisation des données
  3. Définition des espèces cibles
  4. Définition des coefficients de friction
  5. Définition des scenarios
  6. Gestion des lancements

         6.1. Occupation du sol
         6.2. Couche de friction
         6.3. Projet Graphab
         6.4. Jeu de liens
         6.5. Graphe paysager
         6.6. Aires de dispersion
         6.7. Hiérarchisation des enjeux (métriques locales)
         6.8. Comparaison des scénarios (métriques globales)

Chaque étape est détaillée dans le panneau d'aide.


  1. Parameters setting
  2. Data import
  3. Species definition
  4. Resistance values definition
  5. Mitigation scenarios definition
  6. Launches manager

        6.1. Land use layer
        6.2. Resistance surfaces
        6.3. Graphab project
        6.4. Link set
        6.5. Landscape graph
        6.6. Dispersal areas
        6.7. Prioritization (local metrics)
        6.8. Mitigation scenarios comparison (global metrics)

Each step is detailed in plugin help panel.



Chailloux M., Tarabon S., Papet G., Amsallem J. & Vanpeene S (2024). MitiConnect : a QGIS plugin to assess ecological connectivity in mitigation hierarchy


MitiConnect requires QGIS 3.16 (or superior version).

Go to plugins menu, Install/manage plugins, type MitiConnect and click on Install button. MitiConnect icon should appear. Otherwise, it is available in plugins menu.


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